Have a Couple of Confident Please.!!!!


Confidence starts with your approach to people and how they see you. If you walk down the hall or street with your head down people will think you are unsure. Walk with your head up, shoulders back and maybe a slight smile (even if that's scary). When you talk to people or when someone is talking to you, you need to look at them. People like when you look them in the eyes but if that is too hard focus on another part of their face like their forehead or nose and they won't be able to tell.


Another step would be to focus on the way you speak (or even write). If you sound like you know what you're talking about people will believe you and you will seem more like a leader-type person with their own ideas. When you talk or write things don't include words like "I think" or "maybe". I "know" is a confident answer. Don't mumble or talk soft, speak in a normal tone or one with some authority even if you don't have any. I'm not saying to be mean or rude though! Just don't be afraid to speak up.


Body language is important. When you talk to someone/someone talks to you don't cross your arms, look down or away, or mess with things. That makes it seem like you are nervous, scared or uncomfortable. Try to smile and express your opinions when asked instead of saying "I don't know". If you really don't know your opinions about things, try thinking about it on your free time and writing your thoughts in a journal.


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